- O que são sementes de gergelim?
- Benefícios para a saúde das sementes de gergelim
- 1. Dieta vegetariana de alta proteína
- 2. Previna a diabetes
- 3. Curar a anemia
- 4. Saúde Cardiovascular
- 5. Propriedades anticâncer
- 6. Saúde Digestiva
- 7. Alívio da artrite reumatóide
- 8. Saúde Respiratória
- 9. Proteção contra danos por radiação
- 10. Saúde Óssea
- 11. Saúde Bucal
- 12. Nullify The Effects Of Alcohol
- 13. Treatment Of Anxiety
- 14. Lower Cholesterol
- 15. Eye Health
- 16. Nourish The Organs
- 17. Blood Pressure Reduction
- 18. Anti-Inflammatory Effects
- Skin Benefits Of Sesame Seeds
- 19. Healing Properties
- 20. Treatment Of Sunburns
- 21. Skin Detoxifier
- 22. Suitable For Babies
- 23. Glowing Skin
- 24. Treatment Of Cracked Heels
- Hair Benefits Of Sesame Seeds
- 25. Encourage Hair Growth
- 26. Prevention Of Scalp Problems
- 27. Natural Sunscreen
- 28. Deep Conditioning
- 29. Hair Darkening Qualities
- Sesame Seeds Nutrition Facts
Sementes de gergelim, popularmente conhecidas como ' Til ' em hindi, ' Nuvvulu ' em télugo, ' Ellu ' (Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada), ' Teel ' em Marathi e ' Til ' em bengali são o condimento mais antigo conhecido pela humanidade. São variantes de sementes com nozes e fragrâncias. Eles adicionam uma crocância adorável a muitos pratos asiáticos e do Oriente Médio. Ambas as raças são conhecidas por sua longevidade (1).
As sementes de gergelim são boas para você? Sim, absolutamente os benefícios das sementes de gergelim não são apenas culinários, mas este condimento rico em nutrientes também é bom para o nosso corpo. As sementes de gergelim contêm uma combinação de vitaminas e minerais e são um dos alimentos mais saudáveis do mundo.
Vamos ver de onde vêm as sementes de gergelim e quais são os melhores benefícios das sementes de gergelim e como podemos incluí-las em nossa dieta diária.
O que são sementes de gergelim?
- As sementes de gergelim são provavelmente uma das primeiras sementes oleaginosas conhecidas pela humanidade.
- A planta de gergelim é uma planta pertencente à família Pedaliaceae. Essas sementes têm o maior teor de óleo entre todas as sementes e um sabor delicado de nozes que se torna mais pronunciado quando são torradas em temperatura baixa por alguns minutos.
- Essas sementes podem ser consumidas na forma crua ou desidratada, ou ainda como petiscos assados. Eles são usados como ingrediente em várias cozinhas.
- Sementes de gergelim torradas a seco são moídas com azeitona até formar uma pasta fina de cor marrom clara, conhecida como 'Tahini', que é um molho popular do Oriente Médio. Na Europa, são comumente usados na fabricação de margarinas.
- Existem diversas variedades de sementes de gergelim dependendo do tipo de cultivar, como sementes brancas, pretas e marrons.
- As sementes de gergelim branco têm maior teor de ferro do que as pretas e são utilizadas principalmente como ingredientes de alimentos ou na forma de óleo.
- As sementes de gergelim preto são mais saborosas e têm um aroma mais forte do que as sementes de gergelim branco ou marrom e são preferencialmente utilizadas em medicamentos. Eles contêm 60% mais cálcio do que os brancos.
- As sementes de gergelim brancas são descascadas, enquanto as pretas e marrons mantêm a casca.
Benefícios para a saúde das sementes de gergelim
Além de seus usos culinários, essas sementes possuem propriedades nutritivas, preventivas e curativas, que as tornam utilizáveis em medicamentos tradicionais. O óleo de semente de gergelim é uma fonte rica em fitonutrientes, como ácidos graxos ômega-6, antioxidantes fenólicos flavonóides, vitaminas e fibra alimentar. Essas sementes, portanto, oferecem uma variedade de benefícios. Os benefícios para a saúde das sementes de gergelim incluem o seguinte:
1. Dieta vegetariana de alta proteína
As sementes de gergelim são uma boa fonte de proteína dietética, com aminoácidos de alta qualidade representando 20% da semente. Portanto, são perfeitos para fazer parte de uma dieta vegetariana rica em proteínas (2). Apenas espalhe-os sobre suas saladas, vegetais e macarrão.
2. Previna a diabetes
As sementes de gergelim contêm magnésio e outros nutrientes que comprovadamente combatem a diabetes. O uso de óleo de semente de gergelim como o único óleo comestível demonstrou ser eficaz na redução da pressão arterial e da glicose plasmática em diabéticos hipersensíveis (3).
3. Curar a anemia
As sementes de gergelim, principalmente as pretas, são ricas em ferro. Por isso, são altamente recomendados para quem sofre de anemia e fraqueza (4).
4. Saúde Cardiovascular
- O óleo de gergelim previne lesões ateroscleróticas e, portanto, é benéfico para a saúde do coração.
- Contêm um composto antioxidante e antiinflamatório denominado sesamol que também apresenta propriedades anti-aterogênicas, melhorando assim a saúde cardiovascular.
- As sementes de gergelim são ricas em ácido graxo monoinsaturado, ácido oleico, que ajuda a reduzir o colesterol ruim e aumentar o colesterol bom no corpo. Isso evita o risco de doença arterial coronariana e derrames (5).
5. Propriedades anticâncer
As sementes de gergelim contêm magnésio, que possui propriedades anticancerígenas. Eles também contêm um composto anticâncer chamado fitato. As sementes de gergelim têm se mostrado eficazes na redução do risco de tumores colorretais, prevenindo o câncer colorretal (6).
6. Saúde Digestiva
As sementes de gergelim sustentam um sistema digestivo e cólon saudáveis, pois são ricas em fibras. Esse alto teor de fibras auxilia no bom funcionamento do intestino, facilitando o descarte de resíduos e aliviando a constipação (7).
7. Alívio da artrite reumatóide
As sementes de gergelim contêm cobre, um mineral vital para os sistemas de enzimas antioxidantes, reduzindo assim a dor e o inchaço associados à artrite. Além disso, esse mineral fornece força aos vasos sanguíneos, ossos e articulações.
8. Saúde Respiratória
O magnésio contido nas sementes de gergelim previne asma e outros distúrbios respiratórios, evitando espasmos das vias aéreas (8).
9. Proteção contra danos por radiação
Descobriu-se que o gergelim, encontrado nas sementes de gergelim e no óleo de gergelim, evita que o DNA seja danificado pela radiação. Também evita danos aos intestinos e ao baço.
10. Saúde Óssea
As sementes de gergelim contêm zinco que aumenta a densidade mineral óssea e a saúde óssea. A deficiência desse mineral pode causar osteoporose na região do quadril e da coluna. As sementes de gergelim são uma ótima fonte de cálcio, um mineral essencial para a saúde óssea (9).
11. Saúde Bucal
Sesame seeds and sesame seed oil help in boosting the oral health by removing dental plaque and whitening your teeth. Oil pulling, i.e. swishing your sesame seed oil in your mouth, can reduce the amount of streptococcus mutants in both the teeth and the mouth saliva and boost the overall health (10).
12. Nullify The Effects Of Alcohol
Sesame seeds help the liver to decompose the harmful effects of alcohol as well as other substances that generate poisoning in the body.
13. Treatment Of Anxiety
- Sesame seeds contain several nutrients that have stress-relieving properties (11).
- Minerals like magnesium and calcium act as an antispasmodic by regulating the muscle function i.e. contraction and relaxation.
- Thiamin (vitamin B1) has calming properties that aid in proper nerve functioning. The deficiency of this vitamin can lead to muscle spasms, moodiness, and depression.
- Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that is involved in the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that reduces pain and regulates the sleep pattern and mood. The inadequacy of serotonin production and transmission in the brain can result in anxiety and depression.
14. Lower Cholesterol
- Black sesame seeds benefit in lowering the cholesterol levels. They contain two substances called sesamin and sesamolin, which belong to a group of fibers called lignans. Lignans have a cholesterol lowering effect as they are rich in dietary fiber (12).
- Black sesame seeds also contain plant compounds called phytosterols which have a structure similar to that of cholesterol. Their consumption not only decreases the blood cholesterol levels, but also reduces the risk of developing certain types of cancer.
- Sesame seeds have the highest phytosterol content of all seeds and nuts.
15. Eye Health
- According to traditional Chinese medicine, there is a strong relationship between the internal organs and external parts such as the eyes and the liver (13), (14).
- The liver stores blood and since a certain branch of the liver channel goes to the eyes, the liver can also send blood to the eyes to support their functioning.
- Black sesame seeds are beneficial for the liver as they increase the liver blood, thereby nourishing the eyes. Their therapeutic effects help in treating blurred vision and tired, dry eyes.
16. Nourish The Organs
Black sesame seeds have been found to increase energy, nourish the brain and slow down aging. The regular consumption of black sesame seeds can help reduce the symptoms of backache, painful or tight and stiff joints, and weakness in the joints.
17. Blood Pressure Reduction
Nowadays hypertension is a common health problem among women and men from various age groups. Studies have indicated that using this oil can help reduce hypertension. The magnesium in this oil helps reduce blood pressure.
The extensive range of minerals and vitamins in this oil help boost your immunity. Its antioxidants and these nutrients help the body fight cancer causing elements in a better way. The phytates present in these seeds are known for their cancer preventing properties too.
18. Anti-Inflammatory Effects
Using black sesame seed oil, either topically or by consumption, can help reduce ailments and conditions caused by inflammation. The high amount of copper in this oil helps the users cope better with inflammation caused conditions affecting the body joints.
Image: Thinkstock
Skin Benefits Of Sesame Seeds
Sesame is rich in powerful antioxidants and possesses antibacterial and antiviral properties. It offers several benefits to your skin by bringing blood and nourishment. The oil extracted from sesame seeds is rich in omega-6, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamins B and E which have been used as products of beautification. Let us learn how sesame seeds are beneficial for the skin.
19. Healing Properties
Sesame seed oil is a natural anti-inflammatory agent and has excellent healing properties. Its antibacterial properties help to get rid of skin pathogens like staphylococcus and streptococcus as well as common skin fungi such as athlete’s foot fungus (15). Sesame seed oil mixed with warm water can control vaginal yeast infections.
20. Treatment Of Sunburns
When used after the exposure to the wind or the sun, sesame seed oil can treat suntans. It prevents the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun from damaging your skin, thus preventing the appearance of wrinkles and pigmentation. The regular usage of this oil significantly reduces the risk of skin cancer and prevents the skin from the effects of chlorine in swimming pool water (16).
21. Skin Detoxifier
The antioxidants contained in sesame seed oil help in detoxifying your skin (17). When applied on the skin, the molecules of this oil attract oil-soluble toxins that can be washed away with hot water and soap.
- Mix half a cup of sesame seed oil with half a cup of apple cider vinegar and a quarter cup of water.
- This should be applied every night after splashing your face with water.
You should include sesame seed oil in your beauty regime.
22. Suitable For Babies
Baby skin, particularly the area covered with diapers, often gets rashes due to the acidity of body wastes. Sesame seed oil protects their tender skin against these rashes (18). Applying it to the nose and ears provides protection against common skin pathogens. It also combats dryness of skin.
23. Glowing Skin
- Sesame seed oil can provide you with glowing skin. It maintains skin flexibility by keeping it soft and supple, and heals the areas of mild cuts, scrapes and abrasions.
- It helps tighten the facial skin, particularly the area around the nose, and controls the enlargement of pores.
- It also controls eruptions and neutralizes the poisons which develop on the surface and in the pores.
- You can also try a facial for glowing skin.
- Massage your face thoroughly with sesame seed oil and scrub your face with rice or besan powder before washing off with warm water.
- Later, splash your face with cold water to close the pores.
24. Treatment Of Cracked Heels
Hair Benefits Of Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds are packed with vitamins, nutrients and minerals that are vital for the maintenance of a healthy scalp and hair. Just like the skin, sesame seed oil has beneficial effects on your scalp, thus combating various scalp problems. The benefits of sesame seeds for the scalp are as follows.
25. Encourage Hair Growth
Sesame seeds contain essential fatty acids such as omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 which promote hair growth. Sesame seed oil stimulates hair growth by nourishing, conditioning, and promoting a healthy scalp. The regular massage with warm sesame oil penetrates your scalp, thus increasing the blood circulation. It is comparable to a liquid vitamin that feeds your hair roots and shafts (20).
26. Prevention Of Scalp Problems
Sesame seeds are rich in replenishing vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are vital for a healthy scalp. Massaging your scalp with sesame seed oil combats dryness, flakiness and clogged pores that cause hair thinning and hair loss. Besides, its antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help in treating scalp infections and dandruff and soothing an irritated scalp.
27. Natural Sunscreen
Sesame seed oil acts as a natural sunscreen for your hair by protecting it from the damaging effects of the sun’s ultraviolet rays and pollution.
28. Deep Conditioning
Sesame seed oil acts as a deep conditioning treatment for dry, damaged hair, split ends or chemically treated hair. It restores the lost moisture and strengthens the hair shaft, enabling dull and brittle hair to regain its shine, bounce, elasticity and softness.
29. Hair Darkening Qualities
Sesame seed oil is known for its hair darkening qualities that make it effective for people suffering from premature graying of hair. It can be used with carrier oils like olive or almond oil to reap the maximum benefits.
Sesame Seeds Nutrition Facts
All varieties of sesame seeds are extremely nutritious. They have a high oil content of 40% to 60%. They are a rich source of minerals like copper and manganese. They also contain magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, selenium, vitamin B1 and zinc, and are rich in dietary fiber and monounsaturated fats. The nutritional value of sesame seeds is explained below.
Sesame seeds (Sesamum indicum), whole, dried, Nutritional value per 100 g. (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base) | ||
Principle | Nutrient Value | Percentage of RDA |
Energy | 573 Kcal | 29% |
Carbohydrates | 23.45 g | 18% |
Protein | 17.73 g | 32% |
Total Fat | 49.67 g | 166% |
Cholesterol | 0 mg | 0% |
Dietary Fiber | 11.8 g | 31% |
Vitamins | ||
Folates | 97 µg | 25% |
Niacin | 4.515 mg | 28% |
Pantothenic acid | 0.050 mg | 1% |
Pyridoxine | 0.790 mg | 61% |
Riboflavin | 0.247 mg | 19% |
Thiamin | 0.791 mg | 66% |
Vitamin A | 9 IU | <1% |
Vitamin C | 0 | 0% |
Vitamin E | 0.25 mg | 2% |
Electrolytes | ||
Sodium | 11 mg | 1% |
Potassium | 468 mg | 10% |
Minerals | ||
Calcium | 975 mg | 98% |
Copper | 4.082 mg | 453% |
Iron | 14.55 mg | 182% |
Magnesium | 351 mg | 88% |
Manganese | 2.460 mg | 107% |
Phosphorus | 629 mg | 90% |
Selenium | 34.4 µg | 62.5% |
Zinc | 7.75 mg | 70% |
Phyto-nutrients | ||
Carotene-ß | 5 µg | — |
Crypto-xanthin-ß | 0 µg | — |
Lutein-zeaxanthin | 0 µg | — |
- Calories in sesame seeds: An ounce of raw, dried sesame seeds contains around 163 calories and 14.11 grams of fats, including 1.96 grams saturated fats. Roasted sesame seeds, on the other hand, contain 160 calories and 13.61 grams of fats, including 1.09 grams saturated fats. Both raw and roasted sesame seeds are cholesterol free.
- Protein: Sesame seeds are a great vegetarian source of protein. An ounce of raw, dry sesame seeds contain 5.03 grams of protein, whereas the roasted ones contain 4.81 grams. However, one cannot solely rely on sesame seeds as a source of protein as the actual amount of protein derived is far less.
- Vitamins: Both raw and roasted sesame seeds are devoid of vitamins A, C, D, E or K. An ounce of raw or roasted sesame seeds contains 0.22 mg of thiamin, which is 19% of the daily value and 0.07 mg of riboflavin, which is equivalent to 6% of the daily value for adults.
Original text
- Minerals: An ounce of dried sesame seeds provides 291 mg of calcium, 4.113 mg of iron and 9.77 mg selenium, satisfying 29.1% of the daily value of calcium and 18 % of the daily value of selenium for adults. It also satisfies 23% and more than 50% of the